Let us assume that a student of BITS-Pilani replaces King Yudhishthira, and the Yaksha changes its questions slightly. Some of the slang used may be understood only by BITSians. But I hope it makes a good reading.
Presenting a BITSian take on Yaksha-Prashna.
Voice: What makes a BITSian study every day?
Student: The fear of other BITSians studying.
Voice: What rescues a BITSian from boredom?
Student: The IPC (Information Processing Centre.)
Voice: By the study of which subject does a BITSian become a ghotu(nerd)?
Student: Not by the study of any subject does a BITSian become a ghotu. It is by his association with other ghotus does he become a ghotu.
Voice: What is higher than the clock tower?
Student: The night-indicator on top of the clock tower.
Voice: What is deeper than the Shiv Ganga moat?
Student: Any of those wells scattered around the campus.
Voice: Who is the most sorrowful BITSian?
Student: The one who faces a power cut after playing hours of video games.
Voice: What befriends a BITS alumnus?
Student: The BITSian memories.
Voice: Who is the friend of the BITSian who stays in his room?
Student: The Personal Computer.
Voice: What accompanies a BITSian alumnus?
Student: The BITSAA tag.
Voice: What is a BITSian’s reason for happiness?
Student: Seeing an above average score.
Voice: What is that, by abandoning which, the BITSian is accepted by all?
Student: Grumbling – by abandoning that, the BITSian becomes accepted by all.
Voice: What is that, by giving it up, the BITSian becomes wealthy?
Student: Visiting C’not – by giving it up, the BITSian becomes wealthy.
Thus the student answers many more questions and comes out successfully.
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