After a long time I am setting myself to post a blog. I thought up of this topic.
In any period of time, we all change ourselves to some extent. We also experience changes in our immediate environment. Old things fade away, and new things take their place. But what we are not ready for is a corresponding change of mind.
This change of mind is the most difficult, since it is the only thing we can fully control. Therefore, old thought processes keep lingering in our minds and refuse to go away. Our mind becomes a refuge to escape the changed environment. In accordance with Newton's first law, every change meets with resistance. It is up to us to change our minds, or be in conflict with time.
Everything - everything in the known realm - is subject to change. Take for example astronomy. The ancients believed in a static earth at the centre of the universe. With the passage of time and scientific advances, we now know that we live in a dynamic and ever-changing universe with the earth in an unimportant corner. We now know better than to claim as privileged beings.
If we accept this change, we will be at ease. But if we think that things can remain as before, we are deluding ourselves. It is better for us to accept this change. Change is always for good in a sense - as it shakes us out of complacency and keeps us on our toes. We need to recognize the dynamics of change.
Changing our minds is difficult; but is worth trying.